Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Kombucha...tastes like vinegar and has gunk floating in it. Yum!

If you still want to drink it after reading the title, I'm impressed. I just wanted to get the major cons out of the way so that we can only go up from here (this philosophy probably doesn't work as well on dates). KOMBUCHA is a fermented drink made from a colony of bacteria and yeast. Still not interested? Well, it reportedly has a lot of health benefits like boosting immune system and preventing cancer. Sticking it to cancer is always a bonus. None of those claims are etched in stone, but I do think its refreshing and yummy. Ill etch that in stone any day of the week. Etch is a fun word and very underused these days.
KOMBUCHA is one of those things where people who like it, love it. People who don't like it, make those really scrunched up faces and say intelligent things like "ewwwww" when someone else is drinking it in their presence.
This would probably be a good place to go off on a tangent...There is no faster way to look like a baboon in a barrel (don't ask) than to make disgusted faces and "ewwww" at another persons food. Major pet peeve of mine. I always try to picture someone whom I respect: Meryl Streep, the Dali Lama, Jacques Cousteau or my parents doing something like that... and I just can't picture it (although it's funny to try). I don't care if someone is eating cat poop. If you don't want to eat it, don't, but let them eat their cat poop in peace...Whew!
Back to the KOMBUCHA...there are several brands out there so do your research.

Disclaimer:If you are not miraculously healed from all your woes, from hangnails to shellfish allergies, by the consumption of this odd yet tasty fermented beverage, its not my fault.

1 comment:

  1. A surprisingly yummy bubbly drink! Gingerberry has become one of my top favorites.
