Sunday, May 9, 2010

John's Garden Caesar Oscar worthy average joe.

Its always amazing when something so wide spread and so simple stands out from the rest. It sort of gives me hope in an acting career....
What restaurant doesn't serve caesar salad? You're never going to sit down at dinner with someone, order the caesar, and hear, "wow, you're really going out on a limb today." The problem with it being so common, is that no one really expects it to be anything special...which is how reality TV people get acting jobs in the first place. But, when a regular ole caesar salad comes along that really stands out, it explodes on the scene like Carey Mulligan in The Greatest. Look, I don't know if this post is about food or acting anymore. I got confused after the first line... But the point is that the JOHN'S GARDEN CAESAR SALAD is delicious and something about it makes people claim it's the best caesar salad they've ever had. Other than the salad being yummy, you can walk over from the beach to get it and eat in Malibu's Crosscreek shopping area. There you can enjoy your meal while people watching and occasionally being trampled by paparazzi running to photograph someone famous. You will also be treated to hearing, "you be good out there" when you order your food, as that is the standard John's Garden out-phrase. A good reminder that you shouldn't order your salad and then go mug someone.

Base model: comes with the usual lettuce, tomato, croutons, parmesan cheese and dressing.
Model as shown: with added chicken and avocado

John's Garden
3835 Cross Creek Rd
Malibu, CA 90265

1 comment:

  1. Totally true. Almost every place you go to that has a caesar salad on the menu is the most boring thing you could possibly get, therefore.. I never get it. However, when I was introduced to John's Garden Caesar Salad I was completely impressed and every taste bud satisfied! Mmmmmmmmm
