About Me and the Cheese

I have a friend who loves the term "if you love it so much, why don't you marry it." Incidentally, he's not 4, he's..... well, much older than 4. Anyhow, I found it a suiting name for my blog since I do love cheese, and vegetables, and meat, and fruits, and bread... and food in general. If it were legal and not so creepy, I might marry it all. 
I'm not a professional blogger (is that a job?) or a professional foodie of any sort (although by trade I work in TV and did do a bit for Food Network. Great as it was, alas, I was neither asked to cook nor eat...simply talk. Waste of my mouth really). I'm just someone who gets seriously obsessed with food and needs to tell people about it. You know that feeling when you meet someone really really special and you can't wait to tell everyone about them? Thats how I feel when I discover something delicious. Its also nice to know that the cheese will probably not dump me. 
I love to eat organic and healthy, but more than anything, I love to eat. If life calls for deep friend, fatty goodness, Im all over it. You just hike a little extra tomorrow....
So, what you will find on this blog is my version of porn (there's enough of the real stuff online already). If I find it in a store, whip it up in my kitchen, discover it while raiding a friend's refrigerator or stumble upon it on a food stand in Bangkok and its delicious... you will see it here.
I'm always looking for new and exciting ways to eat way too much and feel way too stuffed afterward, so if you've got something tasty you're crazy about, leave a comment and Ill be sure to (over)indulge.  
Oh, my name is Kinga Philipps. I live in Los Angeles. I'm always hungry.