Monday, April 19, 2010

White Truffle Oil...I'd go to jail to have you.

Take note of this bottle of WHITE TRUFFLE OIL because it shouldn't be this easy to find. Usually when things are this good, they are illegal or you have to climb some mountain and talk to a monk to get them...or you can just ship them in from Canada. I'm a little suspect that all I have to do to get this liquid love is drive to Whole Foods (clearly not the only place to find it), possibly fight a little old lady for the last bottle and drive home laughing like I'm insane... muahahahah.
Passion is healthy. Obsession is crossing the line...and I've crossed it. I love WHITE TRUFFLE OIL more than a person should. I carry it in my purse to restaurants where I pour it on pizza, breads and pasta dishes that were prepared by a chef... who is now glaring at me for bringing my own condiments to his establishment. Such a restaurant faux pas apparently! Im a stalker. I look it up online to see what else I can put it on: mashed potatoes, salads, french fries, sushi... I'm afraid I'll end up on How to Catch a Predator. Well, at least Im not bathing in it yet. Yet.......

Thank you Natalie for burdening me with this obsession.


  1. Clearly, the best way to catch a predator is with a trail of white truffle oil! Enjoy your new endeavor. Bloggie alisha

  2. Beautiful Kinga! Meg's mom here. (PS - I am apparently commenting as Anon...whatever. I am Megan's Mom).

    She referred me to this blog because she knew I would LOVE it.

    So far, so good.

    Can you keep me posted? I'm not quite sure how to join - you know, I do cook, but am not a great tech girl.

    I hope this reaches you. I can't wait for your next post. Truffle Oil for an early post? Really?

    You are on the right track, imho!
