Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Farm Fresh To You..... veggie delivery!?? what's next, pizza? hahaha....oh.

A large box of fresh, organic vegetables arrived on my doorstep today. I am so glad they didn't run into the pizza or Chinese delivery guy cause wouldn't that just be embarrassing. Or, what if I was walking up with a big bucket of KFC. hahaha. Ok, I could go on and on....
FARM FRESH TO fresh stuff from a local farm that comes straight to you. Right, just like the name says. You can get fruits, veggies or both. You can get them in a small box, medium box or big box and you can eat them with a fox in the rain and on a get the point. Its all up to you, even how often you get the delivery. I started with once every three weeks, but plan to update to 3 times a day as soon as they add cookies.
Honestly, I was impressed with how much you get. I chose the box with just veggies. It cost me $31.50 and came loaded with everything from mushrooms, carrots, avocados, sweet potatoes, onion, salad, squash, cucumber, lima beans and radishes to kale and rapini (I think they invented rapini because I've never heard of it before).

Thanks Bonnie for the info. If you hear of a farm that delivers a petting zoo to your door, let me know.

Monday, April 19, 2010

White Truffle Oil...I'd go to jail to have you.

Take note of this bottle of WHITE TRUFFLE OIL because it shouldn't be this easy to find. Usually when things are this good, they are illegal or you have to climb some mountain and talk to a monk to get them...or you can just ship them in from Canada. I'm a little suspect that all I have to do to get this liquid love is drive to Whole Foods (clearly not the only place to find it), possibly fight a little old lady for the last bottle and drive home laughing like I'm insane... muahahahah.
Passion is healthy. Obsession is crossing the line...and I've crossed it. I love WHITE TRUFFLE OIL more than a person should. I carry it in my purse to restaurants where I pour it on pizza, breads and pasta dishes that were prepared by a chef... who is now glaring at me for bringing my own condiments to his establishment. Such a restaurant faux pas apparently! Im a stalker. I look it up online to see what else I can put it on: mashed potatoes, salads, french fries, sushi... I'm afraid I'll end up on How to Catch a Predator. Well, at least Im not bathing in it yet. Yet.......

Thank you Natalie for burdening me with this obsession.

Cholada Pumpkin...the only fitting start to my blog.

Dear God,
Thank you for my mom, dad, sister (even though she keeps borrowing my clothes), health, happiness and CHOLADA PUMPKIN. You Sir (or Ma'am) really outdid yourself here. I mean, through your plentiful gifts the Thai people learned to soak chunks of pumpkin squash in a spicy Thai chili sauce that is so delicious I want to do a keg stand of it. And they didn't just stop with the pumpkin. They added eggplant and basil. Then, if that wasn't enough, they let me add shrimp (or chicken or tofu) I'm so full. No, one more bite. I can't breathe. Yes, I'm gonna finish that!
For those of you in the LA area, Cholada Thai Cuisine is a little blue shack off PCH just north of Topanga. For those of you who don't live in LA, print the photo and demand that your local Thai restaurant recreate it...or else. ("or else" always sounds so wonderfully threatening when you really have nothing to back it up with).
"now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, and if I die before I wake, I pray the Lord to provide CHOLADA PUMPKIN in heaven or it won't really be heaven."