Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sriracha Chili Sauce...its really good, but skip the rooster tattoo.

If you don't like your food hot and spicy...stop reading this and go do something else. Maybe color coordinate your sock drawer
...and I'll see you for the next post.
For those who do love a kick in the ole taste buds, I have your holy grail, SRIRACHA CHILI SAUCE. How hot is it? Well on the Scoville scale it's about a 2,200. What the hell is the Scoville scale you ask? It's the measure of the spicy heat a chili pepper puts out according to its capsaicin content. Capsaicin is the chemical compound that makes it burn your skin. Highest Scoville rating is 16 million. For comparison: police grade pepper spray is 5,300,000 and Tabasco is between 30,000 and 50,000. So really, SRIRACHA CHILI SAUCE isn't all that hot. Don't be fooled thought, it certainly has umpf.
Its contents are Thai chili paste (made from red jalapeno peppers) with garlic, vinegar, salt and bits of real rooster as far as I know. The thing is, it's not just spicy, it also has a great flavor. That means you can stick it on pretty much anything...and Viola! The back of the bottle gives a really random list of uses: soups, hot dogs, pizza, hamburgers (mix it with a bit of mayo), chow mein and pasta. Well, that pretty much runs the gauntlet of variety. I'm actually eating it on a veggie burger right now, yesterday I put it on shrimp and the day before that I drizzled it on sauteed brussels sprouts. Basically, anything short of ice cream is legal...even might just work.
Its made by Huy Fong (look for the rooster on the bottle) and has spread in popularity so much (10 million bottles a year) that now even Wal-Mart carries it.
Wal-Mart not a strong enough endorsement for you? Well one dude had the rooster tattooed on his leg...
SRIRACHA CHILI SAUCE is really's not that good...Let's hope he wasn't sober.
For the rest of us, lets just stick to putting it on food.

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