Monday, June 7, 2010

Blueberries...I feel so much closer to you now.

My parents took me on an outing today. I realize that sounds like I am institutionalized or under the age of four, but outing is such a nice word that suggests a throwback to simpler times when families used to do things slave in the hot sun for food. That's exactly what we did...and it was awesome. See, buying food from a local farm is very in vogue right now. Actually going to a farm and picking it yourself is so hip the entire population of Silverlake is probably moving there as you read this. There being a farm. A farm being Underwood Family Farms in this case.
My folks and I picked BLUEBERRIES for about two hours. That equated to four large boxes and a stomach ache. It's a genuine good time and way less expensive than buying them from a store. Plus, you can never beat fresh and sun ripened. As an added bonus, blueberry season is summer so you will sweat off a pound... or twelve... working the field. Might be a good thing to do right before a big event or date. It's also very cathartic. I mean that both in the emotional and digestive sense. As the thought "one for me, one for the box" cycles in your head you get lulled in to a very peaceful place...until the digestive part hits. Oh, and BLUEBERRIES blow away the competition when it comes to antioxidants. So, you get your exercise, mediation and a healthy treat all in one place.
If you have kids, they'd probably enjoy it too. Well, they'd enjoy it more than other score-your-own-food options like: pick your own pork chop, collect your own foie gras, or name your own calf before we turn him into veal.
The farm we went to is outside of LA, but there are farms all across the country that let you do the same thing. Go. It's fun.

Thanks mom and dad for a fun day. Also, thank you for reading my blog and always telling me how funny I am. Please don't ever stop doing that.

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